Adversary Bankruptsy
A Premier Choice for Adversary Bankruptcy
With more than 30 years of combined experience in complex litigation matters, Global Legal Law Firm is a premier choice for secured creditor and bankruptcy claim buyer representation. Our litigation experts will work hand in hand with you to develop a reorganization plan to navigate and minimize the effects of bankruptcy. With our help, you may be able to keep your company open and discharge certain debts.
Guidance for All Areas of Adversary Bankruptcy
We at Global Legal provide guidance for all areas of adversary bankruptcy cases. We know how confusing this area of law can be, so feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation if you need a debtor bankruptcy overview or have questions about trustee representation, bankruptcy trustee responsibilities, creditors’ committee representation, or anything else related to your adversary bankruptcy case.
You can also book a consultation to discuss which of the two bankruptcy options we specialize in are best for you: Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Chapter 7 Debtor and Trustee
This type of bankruptcy will liquidate the business under the federal Bankruptcy Code. After your business is dissolved, you will start paying the creditors according to their priority and bring all of your creditors’ collection efforts, letters, and calls to a halt. Any foreclosure actions, lawsuits, and attempts to repossess your property will also cease since there are no longer any assets for creditors to claim.
Chapter 11 Debtor and Trustee
A Chapter 11 bankruptcy, also known as a “reorganization,” aims to rehabilitate a business or individual by restructuring its expenses and debts. This type of bankruptcy is the preferred choice for those who do not want to dissolve or liquidate their company since it allows the business or individual to stay in business. Like a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing also ceases all creditors’ calls, letters, lawsuits, and collections.
To file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, our lawyers will work with you to craft a restructuring proposal that will appeal to creditors and have a high chance of getting accepted. Consider getting a Chapter 11 bankruptcy if you want to:
- Postpone the foreclosure process so you can develop or sellyour business’ real estate through the bankruptcy reorganization process
- Have more time to gather finances and regain your footing
- Prevent certain creditors from getting your assets
- Continue to operate as normal
- Spread out or reduce payments